Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
Development, processing and characterisation of materials for application in additive manufacturing technologies 27/01/2025 48 Coordinator *
Ceramic-composite study with second phase addition and FGM development 22/02/2024 48 Collaborator *
Process parameter influence evaluation of polymeric parts manufactured by FFF and SLA Technologies 05/06/2023 48 Coordinator *
Characterization of high machinability steels 03/03/2022 36 Vice coordinator *
Laser Application Study on Cutting Tools to Promote the Sustainability of the Machining Process 01/10/2018 24 Collaborator *


Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
JOÃO PAULO LUIZ GRISOTTO ALVES 14/10/2024 Master's in Mechanical Engineering
JULIA BONI VANELI 30/08/2023 Master's in Mechanical Engineering

Disciplines taught:

Academic termsort ascending Code Name Hours Course
2023/2 PGEM6707 Advanced Topics in Materials Science and Engineering I 45 Master's in Mechanical Engineering
2023/2 PGEM7707 Advanced Topics in Materials Science and Engineering I 45 PhD in Mechanical Engineering
2022/2 PGEM6707 Advanced Topics in Materials Science and Engineering I 45 Master's in Mechanical Engineering
2022/2 PGEM7707 Advanced Topics in Materials Science and Engineering I 45 PhD in Mechanical Engineering
2022/2 PGEM6701 Directed Study I 45 Master's in Mechanical Engineering

Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
JOÃO PAULO LUIZ GRISOTTO ALVES 14/10/2024 Advisor Academic master's dissertation
Acesso à informação
Transparência Pública

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