Institutional exchanges program

The faculty of PPGEM participate in various scientific cooperation projects involving Brazilian institutions through programs that include CNPq, CAPES, and FAPES, among others. These partnerships have been extremely productive, primarily due to the opportunity for sharing infrastructure. Numerous papers have been published as a result of collaborations that PPGEM has strongly encouraged. Below are the most active groups.
PRÓTRIBO (since 2006): A cooperation program in TRIBOLOGY between the Federal University of Uberlândia and the Federal University of Espírito Santo. This project has expanded scientific exchange between the Tribology and Materials Laboratory at the Federal University of Uberlândia and the Materials Group in the Mechanical Engineering Department at UFES. (Coordinator: Professor Cherlio Scandian)
INES - National Institute of Surface Engineering: The core of the Institute is composed of public and private teaching and research institutions located in seven states. The headquarters of the National Institute of Surface Engineering is the Department of Physics at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. (Coordinator: Professor Cherlio Scandian)
GT-Biocombustíveis: A working group formed by PRHs from several Brazilian universities, supported by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). Two graduate programs from UFES participate: PPGEM (Mechanical Engineering program coordinated by Professors Márcio F. Martins and José Joaquim) and PPGEA (Environmental Engineering program, coordinated by Professor Sérvio Túlio).
GT-Meio Ambiente: A working group formed by PRHs from several Brazilian universities, also supported by ANP. At UFES, only the Mechanical Engineering program participates (coordinated by Professor José Joaquim).
UFES/PETROBRÁS - Thematic Network on Heavy Oils: In this network, PPGEM/UFES studies velocity profile behavior for measuring flare gas. Investments made through the Thematic Network on Heavy Oils amounted to approximately R$ 31 million, allocated for laboratory infrastructure, equipment acquisition, and the development of analytical methods for Research & Development support. (Coordinator: Professor Rogério Ramos)
FAPES/IFES/UFES - Establishment of the Center for Research in Innovation and Development (CIPID): This cooperation aims to plan and establish a state laboratory for non-destructive testing and to develop collaborative research projects. (Coordinator: Professor Marcelo Camargo Severo de Macêdo)
UFPA/UFES. PNPD/CAPES (Flow in Porous Media): Subproject 01: Combustion in Porous Media: Experimental Characterization and Macroscopic Modeling (coordinated by Professor Márcio F. Martins); Subproject 02: Flows in Silos: Experimental Characterization and Jenike Theory-Based Modeling (coordinated by Professor Emanuel Negrão Macêdo).
UFES/UFPA. Universal CNPQ Call - 14/2011: Sintering in a vertical fixed-bed reactor: development of a process for producing synthetic aggregates from Bayer process residues (red mud) and biomass. (Coordinated by Professors Márcio F. Martins and Emanuel Negrão Macêdo).
UFES/UFRJ (Universal CNPQ Call – 14/2013; and other joint projects): Constitutive equations for non-Newtonian fluids, identification and classification of coherent structures in turbulence, and analysis of dynamic deformation persistence, among various other topics addressed in partnership. This collaboration has been extremely fruitful for PPGEM/UFES, generating numerous articles and joint projects. (Coordinated by Professors Roney Leon Thompson and Edson J. Soares).
Indeed, there are many other direct partnerships between PPGEM/UFES faculty and other Brazilian institutions, without necessarily being formal projects. The results of both formal partnerships and direct initiatives are evident in intellectual production. From 2013 to 2015, over 40 articles in indexed journals were published with the participation of professors from other Brazilian institutions. Below is a list of some national exchanges with the respective faculty involved, focusing on those with the highest intellectual output. The first name on the list refers to the faculty member from PPGEM/UFES, while the others are faculty from other programs listed as external members. For each listed faculty member, the approximate number of jointly published articles in the last three years is also indicated.
Finally, it can be said, without a doubt, that PPGEM/UFES has a strong inclination for partnerships involving various Brazilian institutions. This has greatly contributed to the consolidation of the program.

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