international co-tutorship

International Cotutelle (also known as Co-Tutoring) is becoming more common in Brazilian universities, as it is internationally. Cotutelle provides both the students involved and the faculty with greater access and breadth in acquiring new knowledge, which can have very beneficial effects on the Programs.
The Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) may establish agreements with foreign universities for the completion of master's or doctoral programs under Cotutelle. Specific agreements usually occur through interactions between UFES Graduate Programs and those of other institutions.
In these agreements, students work under the supervision of an advisor at each of the two partnering institutions. Upon successfully defending a Master's thesis or Doctoral dissertation in the international Cotutelle framework, the student will receive two degrees, one from each institution, as agreed upon by the two universities.
The UFES Resolution that establishes the general norms for international Cotutelle is provided below:
Resolution No. 36-2010 – CEPE - Cotutelle - simultaneous degree awarding in two countries.
The PPGEM currently does not have specific Cotutelle agreements but is involved in various collaborations with groups in other countries that allow part of the doctoral studies to be conducted abroad, thereby enriching the student's experience and the local research group.

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