
The laboratory infrastructure of PPGEM is currently undergoing an expansion phase due to the renewal of the faculty as well as the involvement of researchers in various thematic research networks. The main investments today are from Petrobras, which provides significant resources for research infrastructure, as well as from funding agencies, and national companies. The main support and research development laboratories of PPGEM are listed below.

Center of Studies on Oil and Gas Flow and Measurement - NEMOG

The NEMOG flow laboratory is dedicated to research projects and teaching activities, linked to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UFES, occupying an area of 600 m². The team working in the laboratory consists of professors from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, engineers, technicians, undergraduate, and graduate students. The laboratory has experience in reference flows with model fluids for the development and performance testing of flow measurement technologies, both single-phase and multiphase, including: flow measurement in offshore flare gas conditions, heavy oil flow measurement, multiphase flow, and emulsion measurements. NEMOG maintains partnerships with research institutions such as: Brazilian Pre-Salt Technological Center-CTPB/UNIFEI, Industrial Multiphase Flow Laboratory-LEMI/USP/EESCar, Petroleum Chemistry Competence Center-NCQP/UFES, among others.

Location: Technological Center, Goiabeiras University Campus, Vitória.

Tribology, Corrosion, and Materials Laboratory (TRICORRMAT)

The Tribology, Corrosion, and Materials Laboratory (TRICORRMAT) is part of the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM) at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). The Laboratory's activities include teaching and research, as well as providing services to industry, developed by a team of professors, a laboratory technician, postdoctoral researchers, undergraduate, and graduate students. Among the activities carried out, microstructural characterization and its relationship with the mechanical and physical properties of materials stand out. The failure of materials and mechanical systems subject to wear and/or corrosion is extensively studied, as well as failure analysis of various mechanical components. Research on friction and lubrication of various systems, including the human body, has been an important focus in recent years, for example, oral and skin tribology. Current institutional research projects are linked to companies such as VALE S.A., Vale Technological Institute (ITV), and Petrobras, with active participation in National Institutes of Science and Technology (INCTs/CNPq), such as the National Institute of Surface Engineering (INES) and the Green Tribology Institute for Energy Transition (CT-Trib). Among international partner laboratories, highlights include IMT at École Nationale Supérieure des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux (FRA), Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM Freiburg/Karlsruhe (GER), MRG/University of California Merced (USA), and LOMT/University of Minho (POR). Nationally, there is active collaboration with LFS/USP, LTM/UFU, LES/FURG, LTD/UFRN, and LASC/UTFPR laboratories.

Location: CT-V, Technological Center, Goiabeiras, Vitória.
Instagram: tricorrmat
Email: tricorrmat [at]

Mechanical Technology Laboratory - LabTecMec

LabTecMec is a Teaching, Research, and Extension laboratory focused on topics related to manufacturing processes, specializing in machining. It is linked to the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM) of the Technological Center (CT) of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). Currently, LabTecMec conducts research in the following areas: machining tests, laser texturing, powder metallurgy, and additive manufacturing. The team consists of professors, technicians, undergraduate, and graduate students associated with the DEM. The laboratory has projects funded by funding agencies such as FAPES, CNPq, and EMBRAPII, in partnership with national higher education institutions and regional companies.

Location: Technological Center (CT V), Goiabeiras Campus, Vitória/ES

Robotics and Biomechanics Laboratory (LabGuará)

The Robotics and Biomechanics Laboratory is a multi-user laboratory that develops research projects and teaching activities, linked to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UFES, occupying an area of 52.2 m². The team working in the laboratory consists of professors from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, technicians, and undergraduate and graduate students. The laboratory has experience in smart actuators and sensors for prosthetics, orthoses/exoskeletons for upper and lower limbs with patented technologies in partnership with other research institutions. The Laboratory develops research projects funded by funding agencies such as FAPES, CNPq, and FINEP, in partnership with national institutions such as the Federal University of Minas Gerais, the University of São Paulo School of Medicine, the Espírito Santo State Physical Rehabilitation Center, and the UFES Assistive Technology Center; and international institutions such as Harvard Medical School, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital, École Polytechnique - Université de Montréal.

Location: Room 35, CT3, Technological Center, Goiabeiras, Vitória.
Instagram: labguara_
Email: bioroblaboffice [at]

Laboratory of Transport Phenomena (LFT)

The Laboratory of Transport Phenomena (LFT) is part of a set of laboratories within the Department of Physics at the Goiabeiras Campus of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). The LFT was established in 2011 with limited equipment and initially occupied an area of 9 m² in the Physics and Chemistry Laboratories building (annex to IC-1 of the Center for Exact Sciences). The laboratory currently consists of three rooms: one dedicated to sample preparation, equipped with furnaces, a hydraulic press, a fume hood, and all the necessary instruments for sample preparation; another for measuring electrical resistivity and critical current as a function of temperature; and a study room.
The laboratory is dedicated to research development for undergraduate, master's, and doctoral projects. The primary focus is on experimental studies in the area of Condensed Matter Physics, with an interface in Materials Science and Engineering and Electrical Engineering.
Some of our research projects developed in the laboratory are in collaboration with different professors from UFES (Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, and Physics) and other national institutions (UFPE, IFES), as well as an international partnership with professors from the National University of Colombia (UNAL). In this laboratory, we also conduct applied research, such as the development of a superconducting fault current limiter device, where we investigate the physical and mechanical properties of superconducting ceramics.

Location: annex to IC-1 of the Center for Exact Sciences, Goiabeiras, Vitória.

Laboratory of Rheology (LabReo)

The Laboratory of Rheology (LabReo) is part of a group of laboratories within the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). LabReo was established in 2008 with limited equipment, occupying a 30 m² area in the CT-3 building (the Mechanical Engineering Department building). Today, LabReo spans over 200 m², featuring spaces for classes, study rooms, and specific experimental setups.

The laboratory is located in the laboratory facilities section of the Technological Center (CT) and is equipped with modern instruments (rotational and extensional rheometers, pressure cells, flow visualization systems, and pressure drop test benches) for the physical and chemical characterization of complex materials. Its primary focus includes viscosity measurements as a function of shear rate, yield stress of viscoplastic materials, pressure drop in complex flows, and viscoelastic properties.

The Laboratory of Rheology is primarily dedicated to research, supporting undergraduate research projects, master’s and doctoral studies, as well as various industry collaborations. Over 50 alumni (master’s and doctoral graduates) from the Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering have conducted at least part of their research at LabReo.

Most of the research conducted in the laboratory is presented at national and international conferences and published in high-impact international journals (see the Publications tab). Some projects involve collaboration with UFES faculty members from other departments (Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemistry, and Physics) and researchers from national institutions (UFRJ, IFES) and international ones (Sorbonne Université and Université de Lille, France).

These partnerships allow students and researchers affiliated with the Laboratory of Rheology to conduct high-performance numerical simulations using the computational resources of their collaborators. The laboratory also develops applied research with significant economic potential, generating products and patents.

The Laboratory of Rheology is equipped to provide services to the academic community and the industry, including the characterization of complex materials (viscosity and yield stress measurements for viscoplastic materials) and testing drag-reducing additives.

site: is external)
instagran: labreo_ufes
email: edson.soares [at]

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