Physical Metallurgy
Code: PGEM6103
Course: Master's in Mechanical Engineering
Credits: 3
Hourly load: 45
Bibliography: 1. William D. Callister and David G. Rethwisch, Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, Wiley; 8 edition (January 5, 2010).
2. Porter, D. A and Easterling, K.E., Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys., CRC Press; 3 edition (February 10, 2009).
3. Reed-Hill, R. Princípios de Metalurgia Física. 2 ed., Ed. Guanabara Dois, RJ, 1982(BC)
4. Barrett C. R., Nix W. D. and Tetelman A.S.The principles of Engineering Materials.
5. Martin, J. W. e Dorety, R.D., Stability of Microstructure im Metallic Systems.
6. Novikov, I., Teoria dos Tratamentos Térmicos dos Metais . Ed. UFRJ, 1994.
7. Charles, J.A and Crane, F. A A , Selection and Use of Engineering Materials.