Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 18/12/2018

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Summary: The sliding wear of carbon steel occurs in several industrial applications and the understanding of the phenomena involved in this process becomes technologically relevant. There are still many gaps to be answered in steel slip studies, especially with respect to wear particles (debris), their formation, evolution and influence in the wear process.
Pin-on-disc dry sliding wear tests (PLINT TE67 tribometer) of self-mated were performed at room temperature for AISI 1020, AISI 1045 and AISI 1080 steels, with a load of 60 N and a sliding speed of 0.098 m / s, resulting in severe wear, dominated by plasticity and presenting only metal debris throughout the test. Interruptions were carried out at certain test times for microhardness measurement of the wear tracks, measurement samples mass losses and to collect part of generated debris for morphologic and microstructural analysis.
The average hardness of the surfaces of the pins and discs increased after wear at the start of the test (first interruption) and the dispersion of the hardness measures decreased throughout the test, ie the worn surfaces became more homogeneous with respect to hardness. The wear rate for pin and disk decreases from the first to the second interrupt and tends to remain constant for the other interruptions. The debris showed average hardness higher than the hardness of the original material of the samples and the average hardness did not show considerable changes throughout the test.
The mean size of the debris increases with the evolution of the test. In the first interruptions only lamellar debris are found, but from a certain slipped distance elongated propeller-shaped debris are found, showing that there is alteration in the wear mechanisms throughout the test.
Key words: slip wear, pin-on-disc test, debris, wear mechanism.

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